Many Licensed Auto Damage Appraisers may be waiting for their renewal notice to come in the mail and not aware of the change in renewal process. ALL APPRAISER LICENSE RENEWALS are now being handled on line.
YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED A NEW APPRAISER’s LICENSE due to the new process implemented by the DOI and their use of the National Insurance Producers Registry (NIPR).
We have attempted to answer as many of the questions you may encounter in the process in the attached written instruction and screenshots showing the steps (see links below). The process has been in constant flux and there are still many questions to be addressed and answered by the DOI and the ADALB. We will do our best to keep you informed. However, ALL questions should be directed to the DOI or NIPR.
AASP-MA hopes that this will help to expedite the process for you and avoid any issues caused by the DOI’s change in license renewal process.