Everything Auto

Virtual Fall Meeting 2020
Move The ADALB To MA Department of Professional Licensure
The reality is that every licensed appraiser regardless of whether they work for an insurer or for a body shop has an obligation to follow the rules and regulations of the CMR 211 and 212 That's the reality The other reality is in more cases than not, Insurers dictate...

Golf Outing 2020

Please Help Member: Shop Destroyed By Fire
Fundraiser for Full Tilt Auto Body Shop (Easthampton) Destroyed by Fire Please consider donating to the GoFundMe page set up for Full Tilt:

In It Together

Covid-19 Stimulus Package
Regarding the recently passed stimulus package: The measure would establish a new Paycheck Protection Program to let small businesses, nonprofits, and individuals seek loans through the Small Business Administration’s 7(a) loan program. The measure would authorize...

Auto Repair IS An Essential Business
Here is the Official List Of Essential Businesses In Massachusetts

Western Meeting 3-26-20