Newsletter March 2013

Damage Report March 2013

Why Aren’t Shops Members?

Why aren’t shops members? This is a great question that we ponder quite often.

Is it because …

1.) the non-member shops know all there is to know and do not need the camaraderie of their peers?
2.) they don’t value or need the training opportunities members receive to keep them up to date and efficient?
3.) they don’t want to save money on business expenses through member only benefits?
4.) they like feeling all alone with no one on their side?
5.) this is how it’s always been for them and they see no reason to change?
6.) they don’t want anyone to represent them at all levels of government, to keep an eye on their back while they work on their businesses?
7.) they do not want to raise the bar of professionalism and image higher for themselves, their employees and businesses because it’s easier not to?
8.) they are great technicians that required very little help from others to do their job
9.) they would rather struggle on their own instead of being comfortable enough with fellow shop owners to be able to ask for and receive help or advice?
10.) they do not want people representing them in the industry, schools and community?
11.) they don’t want people working on their behalf to inform young people about the vast opportunities awaiting them in the automotive service and repair industry ?
12.) they are shy or embarrassed because they don’t know their numbers, or how to figure them out or what they mean?
13.) they don’t realize the value of belonging to an industry trade association that is a grassroots, member driven and proactive industry leader?

Maybe they don’t like being represented on advisory boards working with the different state and federal departments and agencies.
Or maybe they do not want to be kept informed of what’s going on around them in their industry and as a small business owner.

Could it be because their neighboring member shop down the street or across town has never taken the time to share with them how their business has benefited by being an active member of AASP?

Could it be that no one has ever explained what a valuable tool active membership can be or could it be as simple as, no one has ever invited them to attend an AASP sponsored event or a chapter meeting?

Membership growth and retention is vital to any association and is 80% more effective when members recruit new members. So we invite all of our members to add “Just One” and make the effort to stop in at that neighboring shop and invite them to your next chapter meeting or seminar offering them the opportunity to be involved.

Everyone benefits; we as an association, you as a shop owner in the same community and industry and them, because no one shop knows as much or can accomplish as much as all of us together after all the AASP logo is “Building a Better Industry…One Shop at a Time.